Hello! (not Jello!)


Über Member
12 May 2020
Local time
2:17 AM
Hi, I was expounding on my style of cooking in another thread but being a noob and all hadn't realized this part of the forum was here. So I'll paste what I said there because I really did neatly sum up my style of cooking.

Well to expound, I come from the Southwest. I was the child of hillbillies and also was taught by my Hispanic friends grandmothers in the kitchen. I would wander in and say "why are you whirring that red stuff?" More often than not they didn't understand me but they would smile and nod and let me hang out. So I tend to meld the two styles of cooking. I know a hundred different ways to cook pintos and I am not afraid to update recipes, or to take modern ones and give them a down home push.

I love chatting about cooking and related topics, and look forward to learning a lot from you guys. I'm especially intrigued by the international flavor here. Thanks for having me!
Hi Milkduds!

She was my friend in another forum and we joined this one together because we always were talking about food.
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