Hey everyone!


Über Member
3 Jan 2016
Local time
5:03 AM
Hi! Just joined the forum so I figured I'd come say hello. :) I'm relatively new to cooking, but learning new things all the time, hoping to pick up some tips and recipes here! My favorite thing to cook is macaroni and cheese, somewhat simple I know. I love to experiment with unusual ingredients. I also love to bake, zuchinni bread and pumpkin pie are two of my favorites!

Hope to see some of you around the forum, glad to be here!
Welcome aboard. Look forwarding to seeing you around the forum
Welcome Kayla! I love that you said you enjoy experimenting with unusual ingredients - to me that's one of the most fun things about cooking! Mixing and matching flavors can be a really interesting thing.

Hope you enjoy yourself on the forums! :)
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