Hi everyone! Favorite Kitchen Gadget?


20 Feb 2014
Local time
3:11 PM
Hi Foodies! Glad to be here and excited to learn. I've lived a mostly paleo life for the past two years. I love to cook and bake. I love kitchen gadgets. One of my favorites is my dehydrator…..ummmm….can you say homemade jerky! To Die For! My hubby bought me the excalibur dehydrator shortly after we went paleo and i think he became afraid after awhile I might try to dehydrate the family cat as I was dehydrating what seemed like everything! I've made coconut yoghurt with my dehydrator, all sorts and types of crackers and raw cookies, fruit roll-ups, cucumbers, kale, herbs, tomatoes, raisins etc. I did decide that it was much easier to buy raisins and probably cheaper then trying to make them! My other favorite kitchen gadget (too hard to choose one) would have to be my Vitamix. It gets used daily! So what's yours?
Hi & Welcome for FoodiesChat. :thumbsup:

I also have an Excalibur Dehydrator and an Omniblend (slightly cheaper than the Vitamix) and make all sorts in it as well. The last thing made in it was homemade raw cashew nut cheese 2 days ago (it takes 36 hours to make because we prefer it more mature). I have to agree on the raisin front though! I also love making fruit leathers in ours, not to mention kale crisps and if you dig through the Vegetarian & Vegan forum you will find my recipes there as well.
I've had a Vitamix on my wish list for a long time now, and I'll be getting it soon. It's good to hear that you use it every day. That's basically the biggest reason why I buy or don't buy something... not being sure how often we'll be using it.

Hubby's been talking about a dehydrator for a while, too. Of these two gadgets, which would you say you use more/ or would recommend buying first?
Oh wow, it's hard to choose between the two? But if I absolutely had to choose I think I'd pick the vitamix as there is just so much you can do with it. From making homemade nut butters, nut flours, smoothies of all sorts, soups, bullet proof coffee (!!), and on and on and on. Have you ever had a chance to watch a demo? Costco seems to do them quite often and the demos are great ways to actually get to see everything that they can do.

SatNavSaysStraight……ummmmm yum to the raw cashew nut cheese!! I've made an almond nut cheese before that turned out pretty good, but I bet cashew is over the top!
Hi everyone, since I like baking so much, my favorite kitchen gadget would be my microwave oven, Oster Stainless Steel. I also like my baking pans.
I love to make smoothies. Even to blend up soup and such. I would love to invest in the nutribullet however I don't know if it really is much better than the kenwood smoothie maker that I curently have. The one thing I really like about the nutribullet is that you can use the jug you use to blend as a container and makes it something less to clean ! I have heard about a lot that are the same concept but for some reason every one goes on about how nothing is like the original nutribullet. I feel like I need to just save up and give in to temptation !
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