Hi everyone :)


Well-Known Member
19 Oct 2019
Local time
9:28 AM
Birmingham, UK
Hi there!

I'm Jake, I'm a 26 year old from the UK who has just completely fallen out of love with almost everything except food at the moment. After leaving my last job as a Chemistry teacher I've been struggling to think what I wanted to do as a career, and this morning it's hit me: I want to work developing recipes and writing about my passion, food. Hopefully I'll be able to get a website up and running soon and get some freelance work on Fiverr or something to build up a portfolio but if anybody has any tips for a now-supply teacher willing to put hard work in, please let me know and have a great day :)
Hi Foodiversal and welcome to CookingBites :welcome:.

I absolutely commend your passion for developing recipes and writing about food. Its what I love to do too. But making any significant money or a living from it is another thing. Unless you become famous for your food blog and get book commissions and TV appearances there is little money to be had. If you are really serious about pursuing cooking as a career then getting training and working in a professional kitchen is the best route - but even then its a really tough profession and only a handful ever make it to the top. Of course, a quick route to fame is to win Amateur Masterchef! Sorry to sound a bit negative but I'm being realistic.

Anyway - on CookingBites we would love you to post your recipes and photos. We have a few fun challenges running too. A new CookingBites recipe challenge is about to start - that is a great place for recipe development because it focusses on a specific ingredient. Please feel free to join in wherever you like.
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Welcome, Foodiversal! As someone who also dabbled in an alternative career for a while (musician), I wish you luck! Anything can be done, it's just a matter of what you're willing to sacrifice, what effort you're willing to put forth, and a little luck in the bargain.

Good luck with your endeavor!
Hi, welcome

So sorry to hear about your falling out of love with just about everything. I know that is not a good place to be. But, it is good that you have a knowledge of chemistry. I think we need that knowledge in the food world. We need more people keeping an eye on the food we eat. We sure could use your help and knowledge. Would you give it a good try?
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