Hi from Deepest Darkest Warwickshire.


25 Dec 2015
Local time
9:27 AM
Hi to all and a merry crimbo....I've always enjoyed cooking when I have the time. A couple of weeks back we bought a Sous vide water bath, we are on our 4th go at using it today of all days. We are cooking pork..gloucestershire old spots to be pricise for our crimbo meal. It's been in for 23 hours so far, and will come out of the bath at around 26 hours.

I'm looking forward to reading up on what you guy are up to, and learning a lot more...

Have a great time over the holidays and a happy new year.

Hello to deepest darkest Warwickshire. Welcome to the forum. You'll have to let us know how your christmas meal turns out. :welcome: oh and a merry Christmas to you.
Hi welcome never heard Christmas referred to as Crimbo...but nice short acronym. nice to have you on the cooking forum. You will have to let us know how your dish turns out..
Hello and welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay! Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.
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