Hi Guys from Yuma Arizona (Snowbird RVer!)


Senior Member
20 Feb 2018
Local time
12:23 PM
Yuma Arizona
Mod Edit: Last part of post about sweet potato pancakes copied over to start new thread Sweet Potato Pancakes

Well, I live at the current time in a truck camper with my dog Margo who is a black lab chow mix and the greatest of friend. My home is the Oregon Coast in Florence which is due west of Eugene but it's too bloody cold and wet for us this time of year so we are free camping in the Southwest Desert and loving it.
My girlfriend is a chef and is working up there in Oregon and she has yelled at me, thrown stuff at me and screamed at me while teaching me the ways around a high end kitchen. So here I am cooking in my tiny camper where I choose not to use the oven but do love to bake.. I will post some pics in the "What I cooked today" section later but my main question for the quorum this morning is this: I love breakfast and recently made some sweet potato pancakes. I have a very strong tendency to deviate or experiment with ingredients which in this case is probably my downfall but although my mix tasted excellent, the cakes would not stick together and I ended up eating (delicious) mush! Needless to say, I didn't appreciate my own work so what's the cure on this conundrum? Something to do with amounts of flour I'll wager...
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Welcome to CookingBites @DesertMax. We are a friendly forum with international membership and we love new members! Please join in wherever you like. We would love to see your photos in What did you cook/eat today. Check out our fun challenges too - see here: There are currently four challenges for you to enter.
It must be quite a challenge itself cooking in a camper van!
Well I suppose a challenge it is since very little to no counter space but it all depends on how hungry one gets doesn't it...?

Welcome to Cooking Bites ..

Sorry, I do not bake except at Christmas time, so I cannot help you .. However, if you follow a good cake récipe, you should have no trouble ..

Perhaps, it was the batter / batter ingredients and / or too much Liquid ..

Good luck and try again ..

Have a nice day ..

Greetings from Barcelona ..
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