Recipe Horseradish beef-and-vegetable wine stew

I love garlic, I'm okay with ginger in moderation, and I've never had chilli.


I very very nearly put one L just to keep you happy 😁

But then I thought of my more shall we say 'aspirational' friends who insist on a particular pronunciation or spelling that differs from everyone else around them and winced 😆
I see their point. So many people have told me they don’t like something and then had seconds of something I’ve cooked with that ingredient in. The choice of dish, preparation and execution make so much difference to how an ingredients tastes.

I've found that I have to be secretive when I prepare a dish involving onion. For some reason, my wife always thinks that onion in a recipe means raw onion added at the very end, and forced down your throat. I've told her that, for example, every soup she's ever had has onion in it (from the stock), and does basically every sauce. But, she can't get past it...and she has a Masters degree! :laugh: I've found it's easier to just be sneaky.
I've found that I have to be secretive when I prepare a dish involving onion. For some reason, my wife always thinks that onion in a recipe means raw onion added at the very end, and forced down your throat. I've told her that, for example, every soup she's ever had has onion in it (from the stock), and does basically every sauce. But, she can't get past it...and she has a Masters degree! :laugh: I've found it's easier to just be sneaky.
My wife hates raw onion. It makes her gag. However, she'll eat it when it's chopped up really small, cooked to oblivion and hidden among other ingredients.
I've become an expert at making a brunoise of onion so tiny, that even she can't see it. Other times, I simmer it slowly in butter or olive oil, then blitz it in the food processor.
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