How do I adjust my bake time for bread?


16 Jun 2018
Local time
2:13 AM
When I do my sourdough, the recipe I use calls for two large-sized boules. and the bake time is tailored to those two boules. I want to take the same recipe, but instead of doing two large-sized boules, I want to do 6 smaller boules (like a bread bowl). How would I adjust to the smaller-sized boules from the larger ones? I have no idea.
There’s no science in this, but when I bake smaller loaves using a big loaf recipe, I cut about a quarter of the time off the recipe and start checking maybe five minutes before that, using a probe thermometer and shooting for around 190F in the center of the loaf.
I'd be tapping the underneath of one of the smaller boules to listen for that hollow sound.
Also the colour of both the top and the bottom will give you a good idea.

Dropping to ⅓rd of the usual size would have me checking from at least half the normal cooking time onwards. Plus I'd use my nose! If it smells done earlier, double check, don't assume it will be fine.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to kind of "wing it". The recipe has these done in cast iron, so that will add an interesting variable to this change as well.
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