How many of you still smoke?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:28 PM
Brighton, MA.
I stopped smoking over 20 years ago.

Was the 2nd time that I stopped. Stopped for 2 years from '86 to '88. Smoked for 6 more years, then in '94, that it when I stopped altogether. :eek:

Have been smoke-free for over 20 years now. In fact, it was September 28, 1994 that I said goodbye to smoking for good! :wink:
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I quit smoking almost 2 years ago.... after 35 years of smoking 20-30 a day. I stopped dead, without using any gum, sweets, patches or E cigarettes. First two days were a bit rough, but it just got easier everyday after that. It took me about 4-5 months to stop reaching in my pocket for my tobacco out habit, and in a little over 8 months of saving the money that I would have spent on Tobacco, papers, filters and lighters, etc. I had saved enough money to take my partner Lois and I on a 4 week holiday to Goa & Karnataka in India.
I stopped 10 years ago last month. Best thing I ever did. :thumbsup:
The first time that I stopped, I went cold turkey. The 2nd time, I wore the patch for a few days. A little bit harder the 2nd time, but I did it.

Besides, my doc was trying to get me to stop, so I decided that it was time. Kicked that dirty nasty filthy habit for good!! I wish that other people I know would do the same thing!! :eek:
Just out of curiosity (because it happened to me and to others I know who've quit) - did you put any weight on after quitting?
Even if I STILL smoked, weight gain is not avoidable unless you're on a diet to lose some of it. Yes I DID gain weight, but like I said, both smokers AND nonsmokers gain weight regardless. :eek:
I still smoke but I've managed to cut down my intake down to about 3 sticks a day on average. Previously I was smoking around 7 sticks a day so I consider it an achievement and hopefully one day I'll be able to cut it down to just one and then after I really hope to be done with it. I'm also considering just getting a vaporizer instead.
Had loads of failed attempts over the Years. Best was 3 years but stupidly started again.
Been quit for 6 Months now though with the help of vaping, I'm definitely not going back.
I stopped two and a half years ago after smoking for 44 years. I tried to stop many times before. It was the best thing I ever did.
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