Recipe How To Make An Egg Sandwich


15 Apr 2014
Local time
8:48 AM
One of my favorites is the egg sandwich. It is very easy to prepare just boil eggs first and them mashed it. Add mayonnaise on it and mix until it was fully combined together. You can add some bits of your favorite veggies or it if you would want to. This kind of spread will also taste good on other type of breads.
Yes, egg salad is an old standby that never seems to lose its appeal. I love eating it and have a variety of ways to make it.
Egg sandwich? Not too sure I am going for this one but it's always good to know. Who knows. Maybe one day for the fun of it.
Egg mayo sandwich - not sure of your location but ask for an egg sandwich oop north in England and you get the trusty old fried egg + ketchup in it [ketchup is to optional]
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