Ingredients swapping

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
9:32 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Would anyone be interested in swapping ingredients? On another forum I was on we used to do this sometimes. For example, I sent someone dried limes (which they couldn't get in Italy) and got some dried mushrooms in return. It does, of course mean trusting someone with a postal address (which obviously isn't shown on the forum).

Perhaps its too complicated to do...I don't know. For example, I can get cheap pink sea salt locally. I'd happily swap a packet of it for something I can't get (or something home-made). I can see though, that postage costs could be an issue with sending stuff abroad.

I'd be interested to know what people think.
Only problems are, will what is sent be allowed through the postal system and will it be allowed into another country.
Very strict quarantine laws in some countries. Milk products, currently banned from importing(taking into) Ireland. Any found in the system are just destroyed.
I think it could work really well between people in the same country and it has the potential to work between counties if the participants are careful. I can't see why it can't be tried. So the question becomes what is it you have cheaply locally that doesn't weigh a ton and can be posted?

My area (currently) has lots of Cheshire potatoes! Useless for posting but I do have a lot of asafoetida in its resin form which you would need to grind to make the powder. I also have a lot of dried shallots...

Oh and if anyone wants some sourdough starter, just yell... I can easily post some out within the UK.
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I would love to swap ingredients because we have lots to share. We have herbs like mint and basil, we also have spices like ginger and lemon grass. Our lemon tree is prolific with fruits almost anytime. It would be a great idea not only to swap ingredients but I would love to send some samples of our cooking. Unfortunately, that is impossible because I live on the other side of the planet.
I would love the idea, but I might have to leave my things for the officers to take home when I see the freight and duty charges. Besides, depending on what it is, it might have to go through so much screening, I might not recognise it when it finally gets to me.
I would suggest that we set this up, in a different thread, for each country and stay within a country to keep postal charges down, unless someone particularly wants to pay the overseas postage, in which case I would suggest that they simply 'join' the other country's thread if you get me?
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