Is Cooking Or Baking Things Something You Do To Show Love?


10 Dec 2014
Local time
11:32 PM
Georgia, USA
Ever since I was a young girl first learning my way around in a kitchen I have liked baking goodies for others. Then, as I got older I began making it my business to find out what other's favorite meals and dishes are just so that I can be sure to make them sometimes. And, of course, there are always soups and other comfort foods to be made for those who are not feeling well.
I think my favorite thing, though, is still to bake sweets for the people I'm sweet on as I did when I was a girl.
I mostly cook for relatives and friends so it must be prompted by love. Not that I really ever thought of it quite that way. I do much better in the cooking department so I am more the loving cook than the loving baker.

Recently though, I have been baking more than usual and I would always share whatever I bake with others. I used to say I wanted to get it out of the house so I won't be tempted to eat it all or eat too much. Now that this subject has been brought up I am doing it out of love only:).
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