Is it Possible to open a passenger plane door while in flight?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
3:26 AM
Brighton, MA.
This subject came up the other day, & I quickly said, no it isn't! But 2 people that I know had immediately disputed me & said that they KNEW of someone doing that & was successful in the attempt!! I explained to them that is physically impossible to do that because the plane is pressurized, & if by some unknown chance that they were able to, they'd get sucked out immediately!! Not only that. I used to WORK for an airline & I flew a lot to places in the country! If that were to happen, & it wouln't, but an alarm would warn the crew in the front office that there's a sudden loss of cabin pressure. What do YOU guys think?
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If the aircraft is pressurised then doors can't be opened as they first open inwards. In an unpressurised aircraft then no problem, the army have made an art of leaving aircraft in flight.
I suppose if you are in a normally pressurised aircraft that depressurises at altitude then you might be able to open the door, but I suspect you would have other things to think about in that case.
If the aircraft is pressurised then doors can't be opened as they first open inwards. In an unpressurised aircraft then no problem, the army have made an art of leaving aircraft in flight.
I suppose if you are in a normally pressurised aircraft that depressurises at altitude then you might be able to open the door, but I suspect you would have other things to think about in that case.

The fact is that no door at all can be opened on a pressurized plane inflight. Anyone who tells you that it can be, or was done successfully, then they must've seen Jesus first, because in the first place, you'd be immediately sucked out, & if you're seen trying to open any of the doors, You'd be stopped & restrained by the passengers & crew, taken of the plane once it's at the gate, & you'd be immediately ARRESTED & taken into custody by the police. The charge held against you could be that you're a terrorist trying to bring down the plane & attempted mass murder!! You'd possibly could be sentenced to life in prison (LIP). with no chance of parole!!!!
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This subject came up the other day, & I quickly said, no it isn't! But 2 people I know had immediately disputed me & said that they KNEW of someone doing that & was successful in the attempt!! I explained to them that is is physically impossible to do that because the plane is pressurized, & if by some unknown chance that they were able to, they'd get sucked out immediately!! Not only that. I used to WORK for an airline & I flew a lot to places in the country! If that were to happen, & it wouln't, but an alarm would warn the crew in the fron office that there's a sudden loss of cabin pressure. What do YOU guys think?View attachment 84340
Yeah? Did you ask those 2 people how their friend was doing in the psych ward or prison they were in?
Yeah? Did you ask those 2 people how their friend was doing in the psych ward or prison they were in?

Yeah, no one can tell me any different on this subject. And they've flown before, so they should damn well know about it. Next time they mention it, I'll just tell THEM to try it themselves & see where it will get them! Wanna bet that they'd get arrested first!! Hah!! I don't want to call them any names at all, but they are so full of stark-raving madness if they think otherwise!! What stark-raving idiocy!!!!:thumbsdown:
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