ISO Quick Green Tomato Chutney/Relish

If found this recipe in this forum. Right now, I do not have time to make this stuff correctly, but I have to something with these green tomatoes, and I don't want to fry them. Has anyone ever made anything close to this a little quicker?

Old Fashioned Green Tomato Chutney - Relish - The Cooking Collective
Perhaps your best option is to freeze them until you do have time to make it correctly?

The time taken to simmer is to impart as much flavour as possible into the sauce or chutney. I'd not recommend cutting it down because the final product just won't have to texture or flavour it is meant to have.
Cold is fine.
Just takes some seconds, hence running tap, but I'm sure a bowl of water works, just do them one by one
It definitely works with red tomatoes, so I don't see why it wouldn't work with green ones
(My theory, tomato is mainly water, water expands when frozen, so skin more or less breaks. Putting them straight under water defrost the little outside layer and you can easily peel the skin off)
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