It All Starts with the Soil!


10 Sep 2013
Local time
1:02 PM
I know that the first important thing about culinary gardening is making sure that the soil is as healthy as it can be. I don't really know enough about gardening to have a full grasp on how to make that happen. :unsure:

What *are* some of the things I could do to make sure I'm using the healthiest soil possible and still be 100% organic?
Your title says it all its in the soil, I've had bad soil and good soil so l've seen the difference and I do not even use 100% organic mixtures because if your soil is good you don't need anything to add.
My husband has toxic encepholopathy which means he cannot have anything processed, anything with artificial flavors, colors or steriods. I said that to say this: I grow a garden in order to make sure the foods we eat do not have any of those things. I have found adding simple things to the soil help to make it better for growing the next year. (I can only grow during summer due the area I live in the United States) Some of these items might not smell the best, but they work. Potato peals, banana peals and fish will help the soil. I also use organic dried blood in my soil, and on my plants in the garden. The dried blood helps the soil, but it also is a deterrant for Deer (for those who have this problem) I always have a wonderful garden with plenty to eat during the summer and plenty to can as well. I hope this helps. :)
My grandmother always used the refuse and other off-cuts (fish blood, skin, scales and the entrails) as fertilizer. Basically anything that wasn't fish meat or bones was dumped into the garden. The herbs always grew well and this was probably the secret.
Yes, you brought to my mind old-time memories.

My father used to say the same, but not just fish, he was an avid adventurer who liked to go hunting on weekends and many times he used to bring home animal manure saying that ranchers used it as the best fertilizer anyone could try.

I use to buy soil at Home Depot thinking that by doing such thing I can get the best soil, and now all those memories are coming back to mind.
It is all about the soil and the better that your soil is the happier the plants are. I always urge people to get their soil tested either by using a kit or going through a local agricultural station near you.
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