Lettuce, Kale, and Chard


8 Nov 2013
Local time
12:02 PM
I don't know if it's too hot, or I'm not watering/feeding or otherwise tending to them enough, but the lettuce seems to be trying to go to seed, and the kale and chard are barely growing. If these were other plants, I'd assume they just weren't getting enough sun now that the days are shorter.

I'm not seeing any action from the cauliflower or Brussels sprouts either. The malabar spinach is trying to go to seed again, so I've decided to let it. Because it likes warmth I've been keeping it in the greenhouse, but now it looks all pale as if it's not had enough light.

It seems this season I won't get to grow and eat my own anything.
Your vegetable patch sounds great! I'm sure it save money, but is also 'organic'. I'm sure when they do grow that you have more than enough. Winter is a hard time for most people. Nothing really grows in the UK except potatoes at this time of year. The last of the lettuce was in October!
Lettuce goes to seed or bolting as it is known when it is not getting enough water. The same applies to spinach, parsley, coriander and many others.

Chard, kale, broccoli, cauliflower etc won't do much for exactly the same reason, insufficient water.

Sadly with all of them the dry, wet, dry cycle will not work. So you can't just water then once a week and leave it at that especially if your soul is very sandy and dry (i don't know much about your environment). They are all very that need rich, moist soil that is not allowed to dry out completely.

But as above winter is a tough time for all of those veg and only established veg such as kale, sprouts, leeks, onions and garlic which usually grow a little/survive through winter and start to grow again as life warms up again in late winter/early spring (at least that is the case in the UK).
Water, water and water some more! I literally had to drench my lettuce patch over the summer to keep it thriving. Even the slightest wilted leaf would go back to healthy after tons of water.
Water, water and water some more! I literally had to drench my lettuce patch over the summer to keep it thriving. Even the slightest wilted leaf would go back to healthy after tons of water.

This is what I have seen with the arugula. It wilts at the drop of a hat!

Lettuce goes to seed or bolting as it is known when it is not getting enough water. The same applies to spinach, parsley, coriander and many others...

But as above winter is a tough time for all of those veg and only established veg such as kale, sprouts, leeks, onions and garlic which usually grow a little/survive through winter and start to grow again as life warms up again in late winter/early spring (at least that is the case in the UK).

I keep them moist, and they are all cool-weather (esp. where I live), but the warm weather stuff is doing well because it hasn't been that cold or cold for that long. I am still getting tomatoes. I even have a petunia plant that is not flowering, but is still alive. I have had to take things out of the greenhouse because it was so warm!
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