Morning all, new Vegan-ish.


20 Jan 2013
Local time
9:02 PM
So, I'm Chris from the CycleChat forum. Shaun very kindly sorted out my login for this forum so, I'm in!

I've recently switched to a mostly vegan diet, so joined here for help/advice and hopefully in time, to pass on anything I learn!
I've gone mostly vegan purely for health reasons, not really moral ones although that is obviously a benefit.
I'm also saying "mostly" vegan as I'm not going to pigeon-hole myself or treat it like a religion so if I'm out and about and there's no choice then I won't have to feel bad about consuming an animal product.

But, I'm doing well so far. In the last week, the only non-vegan thing I've consumed is a skimmed milk in coffee at work, purely because I've been too lazy to lug in some almond milk but I'll get that sorted this week :)

I'm really enjoying it so far, only thing I don't like is the fairly steep learning curve!
I have lots of good recipes to try, but after staggering in late from work I really need some more simple ideas for meals that I can knock up quickly and easily until I get chance to do some baking and get the freezer stocked.

That's enough waffle from me, I should really get ready for work!
Hi Chris, sounds like an interesting change of diet.

Have you had any difficulty adjusting to new / different tastes and textures? And are you missing meat and dairy - any "pangs"?

And - the most important question for a chocaholic like me - what do vegan's do for choccy? :eek: :D
Hi Chris...

Another vegan (ish) here as well also from CC :thumbsup:...

Thank you :) It was the recipes you linked to on CC that prompted me to log in here, I'm going to get baking at the weekend! :woot:

Hi Chris, sounds like an interesting change of diet.

Have you had any difficulty adjusting to new / different tastes and textures? And are you missing meat and dairy - any "pangs"?

In short, no!
I'm actually fairly staggered that I can say that, if you'd asked me a Month ago if I was interested in a vegan diet I'd have politely made my excuses and scarpered. Not only was I non-vegetarian, I was borderline carnivore and don't even particularly like fruit and veg!
It's early days yet, but no, so far, I don't actually want to eat meat or dairy, much less miss it.
I'm a very cynical person, so its far too early for me to say that its definitely diet making me feel better and that this is the long term route forward for me, but nothing I've experienced so far has convinced me not to carry on with it :)

And - the most important question for a chocaholic like me - what do vegan's do for choccy? :eek::D

Ha! I must admit that question caused me a bit of a panic, I hadn't considered that!!
I will try some vegan chocolate/recipes but to be perfectly honest, as I seem to be getting fatter and unfitter with every passing Year I shouldn't really eat it anyway. As I say, I'm going "mostly vegan," so if I want a piece of chocolate now and again then I probably just will have some.
If I can cut out 90%, or even higher, meat and dairy then it's got to be a positive thing.
From what I can make out, pure vegan seems almost as much of a lifestyle as a diet and terms like "the movement," and "the cause" do put me off so the plan is to just eat a mainly vegan diet but not to classify myself as such.

If anyone is interested, this is the book that made me decide to follow this route. (as well as all the research I did afterwards)
Hi chris

If you are interested I have a vegan based training program books (called Thrive by Brendan brazier) that you can have. I don't get on with it and it wasn't what I was looking for when I bought it.
PM me an address if you are interested and I can put it in the post to you.
Hi chris

If you are interested I have a vegan based training program books (called Thrive by Brendan brazier) that you can have. I don't get on with it and it wasn't what I was looking for when I bought it.
PM me an address if you are interested and I can put it in the post to you.

That's a really kind offer, thank you very much :)
I do have one of Brandon's books, he seems to have a few out though with the Thrive theme. I'll check which one I have as soon as I get home just in case its the same one. If not, then I'd love to take you up on that, thank you :)
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