Most appreciated type of gift

3 Jul 2014
Local time
5:32 PM
When it comes to receiving gifts at Christmas time, what type of gifts do you appreciate receiving most out of the following list: Clothing, cosmetics, household items, chocolates, wine, cookies, books, ornaments.

All of the above gifts are good gift ideas, but I do have preferences. Where I am concerned, I tend to like gifts of clothing, chocolates, cookies or household items. I cannot always be sure that cosmetics I am given will be to my liking. There are books I have received in the past that I have not even read as yet. Wine would be okay as long as it is a type of wine that I like. Some ornaments can be cute, but they are not really useful and would just be for decoration.

What are your preferences, if any?
I like practical gifts, a nice moleskin notebook and everyone who knows me, knows that chocolate truffles will always be welcomed. People do buy me books as well, which I like, but I have so many things to read, they usually sit on a shelf.

If someone bought me a holiday or a spa break. then that would be perfect too as these are things I like to buy for myself but can't always justify them, that's what a perfect gift is, something you would buy yourself and not what others think you should have!
Something useful. I have some real needs in my life right now, so the only things I will be telling people I'm interested in will be those thing. I hope my wishes are respected as many a year when I was in debt due to school I kept asking for money to pay off my debt and was given things I had no need for and no way to get any benefit from because they wouldn't sell on ebay.
I am in the same boat this year DancingLady. Family members are welcome to give my kids toys, games, clothes, whatever. however, if you want to get me something make it a gift card or something practical, and I mean really practical like laundry detergent and trash bags!
Laundry detergent and trash bags are really practical items to give as gifts, but most people would not normally think of these as gift items. They usually go for things like cosmetics, jewellery, clothes, household name it. I myself like practical gifts, although I appreciate the other gifts mentioned here as well. Laundry detergent and trash bags are useful everyday things that would not go to waste or get put aside somewhere. I tend not to like gift certificates so much, however, since I prefer a wrapped gift, but some people do like to receive these so that they can shop and buy what they really need.
From your list
  • Clothing, only if it is something I have specially asked for
  • cosmetics, never - don't wear makeup
  • household items, rather broad area, but generally only if I have asked for it
  • chocolates, had to be dairy free but are always welcome
  • wine, never - don't drink
  • cookies, again must be dairy free and tbh not that fussed about them
  • books, must be ones I have asked for (or in my Amazon wish list)
  • ornaments, err no.
I prefer to get or give chocolate (in the hot chocolate packs form of course) or cookies as presents from the list provided. A close second would be books. I don't actually wear much if any makeup and clothes are usually something family gets me (socks) but this year I really want a tacky sweater. As for wine, I've never received it but my growing interest in cooking might constitute receiving some cooking-related wine from a few friends.
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