Recipe Ms. Mofet's Garlic Croutons


🌹 🍉 Still trying to get it right.
12 Sep 2022
Local time
9:42 PM
Ms. Mofet's Garlic Croutons

Italian bread - Cubed
Garlic butter - melted (Recipe below)

Garlic Butter

1 Stick butter - softened
6 - 8 Fresh garlic cloves - chopped fine - or to taste
2 TBSP Fresh parsley - chopped fine - or to taste
1/4 cup Fresh Grated cheese - Parmesan and/or Romano (I use half of each)
2 - 3 TBSP Olive oil
Ground Sea Salt - to taste
Ground peppercorns - to taste
Ground hot pepper flakes - to taste - optional

Place ingredients in bowl and mix well. Let stand several hours or overnight to marry flavors but may be used immediately.

Preheat oven to 450°F.
Line sheet pan with foil or parchment paper.

Toss cubed bread in melted garlic butter.
Spread cubes on a sheet pan.

Toast in the oven till nicely browned.

Thank you. I like them in split pea soup, Caesar salad/salad, and just out of hand.
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