Mushroom Coffee: Have you tried it?

I have not, and as someone who’s not too keen on the mushrooms, I’m in no hurry to.
I love mushrooms, but have never heard of them being turned into coffee. Tell us about it; it intrigues me.
To me, if it's a coffee drink it actually has to have coffee beans in it. I've had mushroom tea before many many years ago but that was a hallucogenic experience and wasn't brewed for taste.
From what I'm reading online having never heard of it, it's coffee with dried mushroom powder added.

And whilst I love mushrooms and have to grow my own in Australia because the selection in supermarkets is white or brown, small or flat and that's it (I was used to being a selection of mushrooms in the UK), I'm not a great coffee fan, the taste is too me and finding a brand in Australia that I like has been a challenge.
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