Mustard Brand - London


Senior Member
11 Nov 2017
Local time
7:29 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Julien but on this forum I shall be known as Mustard.

I am starting my own brand of mustard, being from Dijon originally and having spent the last 4-5 years being irritated to see large conglomerate selling us "Dijon mustard" made in Purfleet.

I would like to use your forum to discuss with people who love good quality food to start this brand with solid feedback & interactions from food lovers, discussions on mustard recipes, etc.

I am not after advertising or anything commercial as right now the brand does not exist and I could not even show you a website or a facebook page. All I have done so far is a local survey in East Dulwich and Brockley, where I live.

I am also unsure as per where to start here - shall I start a trend on the main forum space or should we talk about the mustard below this introduction?

Anyway, this is me.
Welcome to CookingBites @Mustard. We have a lot of mustard fans (myself included) here so I'm sure you will get a response if you post a new thread about mustard. We run a Spice Challenge each month and a few months ago, the chosen spice was mustard. I will post a link for you.

Meanwhile you need to start a new thread the Herbs, Spices, Dressings, Sauces and Dips sub-forum.

Firstly, Welcome to CookingBites. Bienvenue.

I am a grand enthusiast of Dijon appellation or designation Mustard on the boutique level ( small artesanial craftsmen/craftswomen producers).

Violette Dijon Mustard with French red wine, Burgundy and grapes is a jewel with charcuterie or foie gras de canard ..

Definitely would be a fascinating subject ..

Have a nice weekend ..
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Hello everyone,

Thanks a lot for the welcome notes & encouragements. I have now created the desired thread into the spice & herbs sub-forum.

Francesca, have you ever tried the now geographically protected Burgundy Mustard? If yes what did you think of it?

I am also curious as to what is the best mustard you guys have ever tried. For me it has to be mine (:cool:) but closely followed by Edmond Fallot's Dijon with white wine.

Sorry I forgot to also ask: have any of you tried the Tewkesberry mustard (the one actually made there). If yes what did you think of it?
Hello everyone,

Thanks a lot for the welcome notes & encouragements. I have now created the desired thread into the spice & herbs sub-forum.

Francesca, have you ever tried the now geographically protected Burgundy Mustard? If yes what did you think of it?

I am also curious as to what is the best mustard you guys have ever tried. For me it has to be mine (:cool:) but closely followed by Edmond Fallot's Dijon with white wine.

Sorry I forgot to also ask: have any of you tried the Tewkesberry mustard (the one actually made there). If yes what did you think of it?

Yes, I am a grand fan of Burgundy and Violette Dijon Moutardes (mustards). Wonderful with charcuterie .. and foie gras de canard ..
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