My Green Gerbil!!


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:58 PM
Brighton, MA.
Hi, guys!! Just got the Green Gerbil this past Saturday & it rides as if it were brand new!! The engine is very quiet with hardly any noise!! !It passed inspection with flying colors & I also got a resident parking sticker to avoid being ticketed. Everything in it seems to be working fine!! I can now go to the stores in the suburbs if I need to get something & not have to drive to downtown where the prices are so ridiculously high, & there's no place to park at all, forcing me to have to park in an expensive parking garage!! Great to have my own little car again!!!! I nicknamed it the Green Gerbil because the 2010 TV commercial sported the green color one!! Hah!! :whistling:
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Have fun 👍
Looks super practical, is it just for family or also for business?

Thanks PabloLerntKochen!! It's mainly for visiting family & friends, & for going shopping. Whole Foods is ridiculously high & they don't have everything that I'd like to get!! They are the closest, but also the HIGHEST store to go to!!!! I've been waiting for six months for them to restock certain items & they just seem to flatly refuse to do it!!!! :ninja:
Thanks PabloLerntKochen!! It's mainly for visiting family & friends, & for going shopping. Whole Foods is ridiculously high & they don't have everything that I'd like to get!! They are the closest, but also the HIGHEST store to go to!!!! I've been waiting for six months for them to restock certain items & they just seem to flatly refuse to do it!!!! :ninja:

There is a reason Whole Foods Market is also called Whole Paycheck Market. :laugh:

There is a reason Whole Foods Market is also called Whole Paycheck Market. :laugh:

Hah!! They ACTUALLY DO make you feel like you've spent a ton of money there!! Having bought only a few things, the total price came to just under $100!!! It's so ridiculous, the way that they scream about things being so-called organic!!!! :ninja:
After having the normal tires swapped out for winter tires, on the way to a friend's house, I noticed that the steering wheel was not centered & the tire warning light came on!! Had to take it back this morning to get that straightened out. Now the car works fine!!!! :whistling:
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Here it is parked on the street near my building!! :whistling:
2013 Kia Soul..jpg 2.jpg
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