Need an opinion from the guys...on the lighter side


Über Member
1 Jun 2017
Local time
12:36 AM
New Jersey

Got an "air cooker" for my birthday...because my wife wanted one....

Last year...a very fancy, multi purpose Cuisinart blender for Christmas.....because my wife wanted one.....

Have yet to use either one...

Any of you guys out their get such "thoughtful" gifts ??.....:):):)
Any of you guys out their get such "thoughtful" gifts ??
Cooking-related? No. The kitchen (and the grill) are my domain. Now, if she ever showed any interest in cooking, I think I'd be more in the realm of @sidevalve's arrangement. But, as it stands, she leaves me alone.

@Dados1950: are you saying these gifts are what she gives you for your present, instead of something else? If it's not what you want, maybe slip in a suggestion to give you a gift card (Amazon works for anything anyone could possibly want, but a basic Visa/Mastercard gift card also works). And, if she's someone who wants to experience the magic of the recipient opening a gift, you can suggest that she disguise the gift card by putting it in an oversized box.
If you do use Amazon (I don't anymore because they don't exist as anything other than an 'e' concept in Australia) you could setup a wish list and deliberately share it with her.

Here in this household, gifts for both birthdays and Christmas had the be personal. Only if the recipient wants a household item do they actually get one. Perhaps you need to make such a tactful suggestion rather than to let the situation continue as it is? I personally would have the audacity to return the item from where it was purchased even if it meant ending up with a gift card for that place rather than the 'cash' back, just to make the point and get something I wanted, but that's me 25 years ago. I don't need to do that thankfully because I have a much more thoughtful partner. I do need to teach him not to spend quite so much on me though!
Yep, you need to speak up. Craig wouldn't do that to me and I wouldn't do that to him.
Umm, hello. What are you doing wasting time on a cooking forum?

Shouldn't you be making her a sandwich or something? Ironing her clothes, maybe?


Just kidding.

The only gift that my wife ever gave me that she ended up coopting was a sound machine for sleeping.

Since I sleep during the day, she thought it would help drown out the noisy neighbors when we lived in my tiny, old house.
(Macedonian and Albanian women, when involved in normal conversation just outside your bedroom window, sound like someone is murdering a flock of geese).

I thought the sound machine was worse. "White noise" was like sleeping next to a jet engine, or the "Babbling Brook" made me have nightmares about prostate cancer.

But my wife tried it out and can't sleep without it. We even have to take the damned thing on vacation.
From the opposite side of the gender alway gave my mom kitchen appliances. If the house needed a new fridge mom would get presented a new fridge for whatever next gift giving opportunity that came up. The house was gonna get a new fridge anyway cause it was needed but dad wanted to save money and skip buying her a gift. Even as a kid i could see the disparity. Dad would get that cool new fishing rod he wanted and mom would get a new washing machine...that she didn't even get to pick out.
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