New Year Resolutions 2017


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:07 AM
SE Australia
So what are your new year resolutions (non-food related) this year?

I had been doing really well with my diet and fitness in general. Fitness slipped when the bikes were shipped to Australia, spending 3 months in shipping containers. They say it takes 50 repeats of something for it to become routine. Well I guess it takes less for that routine to be lost. I did continue with my walking right up until the 2nd or 3rd week of living here, but I had some much work to get done around the house that I could not spend an hour a day walking and so that slipped as well. Plus it was nice to have an evening walk with my husband and that wasn't possible here because he doesn't get home until something like 6:30pm and in the winter it had been dark for nearly an hour by then (here the times are less severe than the UK, but we still get a reasonable variation).

So this year's resolutions are pretty much the same as last year. Get my fitness back (and I know at least one of you knows that I am cycling again!) and to get off the weight that I have put back on in the last 10 weeks since breaking my ribs.

Other non-food related resolutions include continuing my blog (mostly for family) and getting into the habit of making it more regular (<cough>) and to try harder at getting my calendar photos each month rather than relying on a really splendid day to provide 3 or 4 photos... <coughs again>...

I'll add the photos I have used this year to an album in the media for people to look at. If anyone does want them as a wallpaper, just PM me with the dimensions you need (so pixel count) because the pictures I upload are quite small to prevent people from claiming they are there's....

Edit: The link to the album is here
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There are so many things that I should be making resolutions to do! I think that getting back the fitness I lost so quickly after doing the 100 mile ride in September is one and making a list to work through of the things that I need to organise will be another. Getting out of the house on time is one I make every year! I'm going to try...
I'm still working on the learning to walk again, but I am determined to get both my walking legs back and to get camping again. I suspect the camping will also be easier than the walking. I may have to purchase suitable crutches/walking sticks to allow me to do the former.
There will never be anymore camping trips or [as we had planned after my retirement] long motorcycle tours for us since my wife became disabled and everything changed in an instant. So for a resolution I suggest live every day as though it were your last and enjoy it - one day it will be.
There will never be anymore camping trips or [as we had planned after my retirement] long motorcycle tours for us since my wife became disabled and everything changed in an instant. So for a resolution I suggest live every day as though it were your last and enjoy it - one day it will be.
It's the same here. life has changed in an instant twice now. the second time (5th November 2015) left me being a wheelchair as well. but I'm not stuck in it only unable to walk any kind of distance, so even going on to service stations in the UK required the wheelchair, but around the home I manage without but at a cost and a high one at that at times. I have fallen repeatedly. most of the time I can now catch myself and always ensure I have something in range to hold onto, but every so often it doesn't work and I will suddenly find myself on the floor again. the last serious one, as you know, was recently and left me with 5 fractures across 4 ribs confirmed on X-ray and who knows how many others that couldn't be seen. I also ended up with extensive bruising and lost a large lump of skin (bigger than an old 50p) down to the bone on my knee which had scarred badly. the only saving grace being that it is in the totally numb area of my partially paralysed right leg.

I haven't yet however given up on my past. I'm not that kind of person. the recumbent trike got me cycling again. I can now balance on a bike if I'm careful but I can do anything other than ride because I can't take my crutches on a bike (I can on my trike) and can't get walk with just walking sticks. I probably never will but I'll keep trying. I don't see why I can't camp. I'm good at finding the flour, I do it all to often. sleeping on it shouldn't be an issue with the right mats because I know I can sleep on our camping mats in a house, so why not in a tent now? I'll keep fighting. I guess I'm stubborn that way. ok rock climbing might now be beyond me, as is walking any distance or off a path, but I'll keep trying. what else can I do?

All I did to end up needing a wheelchair was put the phone down and turn to walk away. no one had any idea that the base of my spine had not formed properly. I'd never had any back pain of any kind, no warning nothing. I'm just exceptionally grateful that we had taken our opportunity of a life time to get out and try to cycle around the world. it's also why we took this opportunity to live in Australia when we were given it. I can continue fighting to regain some of my old, sorry our old, life back in the UK or in Australia. either country I can fall in, so why worry about it?
My main resolution is to get more active. Reading @SatNavSaysStraightOn and @sidevalve's posts made me realise how lucky I am at 65 years old to be able to walk and possibly do other things, physically. I have a few issues: lack of strength in legs due to a spine problem. So I need to sort of lever myself up from a chair using my arms. That makes me feel old! But really, I'm quite mobile.

I'm terminally lazy though - so I tend to just put things off.
I'm not sure I have any. I guess it's the usual of getting fitter rather than fatter but I need to find to motivation. I horse ride but not very often because I don't own a horse. They are expensive, but then anything relating to riding is. I guess I could walk to the next bus stop rather than the closest one which is just around the corner, but temptation is always there when you go passed the one you normally use, the temptation just to stand around and browse the internet rather than walk on and I'd worry about missing my bus and being late. I guess I could do the opposite and get off early instead. That would mean being later home, but I wouldn't have missed much that way. that sounds like a plan. I'll get off a so or two earlier instead and walk a little further home.
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