New years cooking goals?


16 Oct 2013
Local time
9:45 AM
Does anyone have any cooking or baking related goals for 2014? My aim is to start coming up with new recipes for healthy ingredients such as quinoa and tofu and to try and start cooking different types of cuisine e.g Indian, Thai and Italian.:)
My cooking goals for 2014 is taking back old-time customs that I had but eventually dropped, including having an electronic recipe organizer, start making weekly menus again, and matching shopping lists.

I stopped to do it after the turn of the century, but I have realized that I need to get back into my life all the above not just to cook more efficiently, but also to save money and have my kitchen better organized.
My goal for this year in the wonderful world of cooking is to start taking advantage of the farmer's market. I live in a big city, and a HUGE farmer's market is only a short train ride away, yet I have only been there once because my local supermarket is just a short walk away. I'm definitely going to try to buy more fresh produce straight from the growers.
Do more cooking, I don't really enjoy it, my husband does and he cooks the majority of the meals but it isn't really fair on him so I need to do more.
I never do any new years resolutions since I think the whole idea is so artificial. I'll keep cooking and obviously trying out new recipes as much as possible, no matter what year it is.
Actually I had no cooking goals related for this year 2014. Well just the same as in the previous years to cook and eat more healthy foods and avoid as much as possible processed foods and to include more veggies, fruits, fish and white meat in all my cooking recipes.
My goal for this year in the wonderful world of cooking is to start taking advantage of the farmer's market. I live in a big city, and a HUGE farmer's market is only a short train ride away, yet I have only been there once because my local supermarket is just a short walk away. I'm definitely going to try to buy more fresh produce straight from the growers.

I too should make a bit more effort to purchase some of my fruits and vegetables at the weekend farmer's market. It used to close at 10am on Saturdays and now closes at midday, so I can't use sleeping in on the weekends as an excuse not to visit. I also race 5km with a local runners club now at 8am on Saturdays, so I could go to the farmers market straight afterwards. ;)
I have similar goals! I want to learn to cook healthier foods, with whole grains, more veggies, fishes and salads. I plan to stay away from pastas, rice and all those mean carbs. I must say I'm doing a good job so far! I made a cake this week with oat, pure cocoa powder, natural sucralose sugar, low fat yogurt and eggs. It doesn't taste as good as regular, but it's way healthier! And that is my goal - to eat things that are good for my body! That will help me to get healthier, lose weight and tone up more easily at the gym.
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