Recipe New York Style Hot Dog


20 May 2015
Local time
8:41 AM
smoked frankfurters or any hotdog you have
chillie flakes
smoked paprika
shallots thinly sliced
2 tbsp oil
brown sugar
hotdog buns

Shallots: Slice the shallots thinly. Heat the pan with two tbsps of oil bring it to medium to high heat. Add the the shallots once they sizzle give them a toss. Cook them until you get the beautiful brown caramelized and translucent look. Turn the heat down to low and add some brown sugar and let it to caramelize further for five to six minutes. Transfer the shallots on a kitchen roll to dry. Spread them out to drain the excess oil. Meanwhile cook the bacon in a pan. Coat the smoked frankfurters with some oil and grill them on a low temperature and cook them through while turning from time to time.

Mustard: Combine 200 grams of Frenchies mustard and add one tsp smoked paprika one tsp chillie flakes one tsp olive oil. Combine all the ingredients well. You can make a big batch and keep in the fridge to last.

Slice the buns grab a hotdog and put in one of them. Get the bacon and crumble them into the shallots. Dress the hotdogs with the shallots then catsup and hot mustad.
I have never had a New York style hot dog before so I would like to try this. I don't eat hot dogs often but every once in a while I do enjoy one. I like that sounds of the caramelized onions. They sounds great and the mustard mix sounds a bit on the spicy side which I like. One of my favorite combinations is sweet and spicy. I may this just make myself up one of these for lunch.
I have never had a New York style hot dog before so I would like to try this. I don't eat hot dogs often but every once in a while I do enjoy one. I like that sounds of the caramelized onions. They sounds great and the mustard mix sounds a bit on the spicy side which I like. One of my favorite combinations is sweet and spicy. I may this just make myself up one of these for lunch.
I am also fond of the sweet and spicy and the caramelized onion with bacon is simply delish. I hope you give it a try and enjoy. I think you can substitute any meat you prefer if you are trying to avoid hotdog
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I have also had the New York dog at Sonic. They have hot dog specials every so often and make some of these burgers. I have not tried making them at home. However, I once tried making a Hawaiian dog at home and practically set the grill on fire due to the bacon fat dripping down..I am sure a bit of aluminium foil would have made all the difference! Maybe next time I am in a hot dog mood I will try making the New York dog at home.
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