Off on holiday

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
1:11 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I'm off to France tomorrow. Self-catering house in the Loire valley. Unfortunately, there is no internet access in the house! :eek: I may be able to get on-line on route, (staying in Chartres for one night). How romantic does that sound,:love:. Final destination Saumur.
But can you believe it, I've been snifffling all day and now seem to have a cold developing!
First thing that happened to me on my holiday was I went down with a cold and now a chest infection. I'm still sniffling and coughing now! I have just booked a Dr's appointment for my return!

Try to enjoy your holiday! Hopefully you will have loads of recipes and stories ready for your return and new ideas for meals that you can post up here... wishful thinking maybe but I have to

Enjoy your hols.
I hope you have a wonderful time and that you are feeling better! I am sick with a cold now and feel miserable. :(
Safe travels! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!
Thank you all! I'm in Chartres with free wi-fi in hotel tonight. The 'cold' is keeping low profile. Just a a sniffling and sneezing rather than the full Monty. Sorry for you, @SatNavSaysStraightOn!

Its quite cold and rainy here. Just as it was when I left Kent. Had a fantastic meal in a bistro next to the cathedral. The cathedral is extraordinary, its spire so high that its wreathed in clouds. Main course was chicken (cooked Henri IV style). No idea what that means! It was the best chicken I think I've ever tasted. I was strong and gamey and fell off the bone. I asked about it (in dreadful broken French) and discovered it was, in fact, a old cockerel rather than the usual youngish female chicken. It had been first confited and then poached in stock with vegetables.

Its made me wonder why there isn't a specialist provider in the UK rearing cockerels for the table rather than killing them off as chicks. Maybe there is, but I've not come across it. The taste is completely different (like the difference between lamb and mutton).

Anyway, off to Saumur tomorrow and NO internet in the house.
Morning Glory, just where do you think you're going when there is a forum to contribute to? "Go tuh France" is an expression many would make around here when they were asking to be left alone. Maybe a Bajan said that to you and you took it literally.
No wifi?...............:giggle::giggle::love::love:
Sorry about the sniffles.
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