Orange Peel Wine
Makes 1 750ml bottle
1 750ml bottle dry white wine (I used a Pinot Grigio)
1 medium orange
1/3 cup (65g) granulated (or better yet, superfine) sugar
8 coriander seeds
Pop the wine open (don't run your corkscrew all the way through the cork - you'll need it intact later) and pour out about 1/2 cup for yourself (it's not just a treat, but needed to make room for the addition of the ingredients). Using a vegetable peeler, peel the orange, being very careful to leave behind as much of the white pith as possible (trim out later with a very sharp knife, if necessary). Push the strips of orange peel into the bottle of wine, then add in the sugar (use a funnel to make it easy on yourself), and lastly, drop in the coriander seeds. Recork the bottle, then give it several turns bottom-over-top to dissolve the sugar.
Refrigerate for 1 week, making sure to turn the bottle over a couple of times each day. Once the week is up, strain into a carafe (or jug) and serve it well-chilled. Refreshing!
Recipe based on one from Laura Calder's French Food at Home
Makes 1 750ml bottle
1 750ml bottle dry white wine (I used a Pinot Grigio)
1 medium orange
1/3 cup (65g) granulated (or better yet, superfine) sugar
8 coriander seeds
Pop the wine open (don't run your corkscrew all the way through the cork - you'll need it intact later) and pour out about 1/2 cup for yourself (it's not just a treat, but needed to make room for the addition of the ingredients). Using a vegetable peeler, peel the orange, being very careful to leave behind as much of the white pith as possible (trim out later with a very sharp knife, if necessary). Push the strips of orange peel into the bottle of wine, then add in the sugar (use a funnel to make it easy on yourself), and lastly, drop in the coriander seeds. Recork the bottle, then give it several turns bottom-over-top to dissolve the sugar.
Refrigerate for 1 week, making sure to turn the bottle over a couple of times each day. Once the week is up, strain into a carafe (or jug) and serve it well-chilled. Refreshing!
Recipe based on one from Laura Calder's French Food at Home