Paninis or wraps?


21 Feb 2014
Local time
2:56 AM
I'll be making a restaurant soon, and I'm planning to sell sandwiches.

What do you guys prefer that I sell? Paninis, wraps, or simple sandwiches? I'm just currently finalizing my menu, and so far, I haven't got a clue which is better among the three.

Your suggestions will truly help me. Thanks!
A nice hot panini on a cold day is great but in summer on a hot day, no wraps are nicer.
I do however know of a cafe in Bristol (UK) that toasts their wraps which covers both options and their toasted wraps are heavenly (the cafe restaurant is a mainly vegan cyclist cafe and does a roaring trade).
I have no experience in restaurants or what obtains in your area but would offering all three be out of the question? I know as a customer I like choices. Of the three you have mentioned two are my favorites though. The panini and the wrap. You might have to do some market research decide to carry only one of the things mentioned. Either way with the opening of a restaurant research is necessary. All the best with your restaurant.
I have no experience in restaurants or what obtains in your area but would offering all three be out of the question? I know as a customer I like choices. Of the three you have mentioned two are my favorites though. The panini and the wrap. You might have to do some market research decide to carry only one of the things mentioned. Either way with the opening of a restaurant research is necessary. All the best with your restaurant.

I must say I agree with winterybella, as a customer I love having a variety of options especially because I can have a feel for paninis today and the next day want a wrap. I think going with all three if possible would be an excellent idea.
All the best with your restaurant.
I would stay away from sandwiches. It seems as though just about all restaurants serve them, and I usually don't like restaurant sandwiches. When I go I seek out the wraps and paninis.
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