Recipe Pasteis de massa tenra (olive oil pastries)


Legendary Member
30 Jul 2020
Local time
8:50 AM
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This is a traditional portuguese pastry which name translates to "tender pastry". The closet recipe I found was olive oil pastry dough, but the portuguese pastries are always fried instead of baked in the oven, and eaten between meals instead of making the main dish. Apologies if this is posted on the wrong forum but I was struggling to find where this recipe could fit.

For around 20 patries:
- 220g all purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 150 ml water lukewarm water + salt
- 50g margarine

For the filling:
- 300g ground meat (I usually mix pork + beef)
- 2 deciliter milk
- salt, pepper, ground garlic and nutmeg to taste

1. Mound your flour and make a well in the center. Add oil and margarine in the middle of the flour and start kneading with the tips of your fingers.
2. Add the water and salt to the flour and knead until the dough is no longer sticky. Lit it sit in a warm place for 30 minutes.
3. For the filling: season the meat, add milk and let it cook on a pan or a frying pan until the milk evaporates.
4. Roll out the dough and use a glass to mold the pastries, adding the filling in the center and closing the dough. A pasta machine is helpful to roll this dough, but not mandatory.
5. Fry the pastries. They can be eaten warm or cold.

Notes on this recipe:
* For a video on how to knead this dough, go here (sorry, portuguese only)
* My grandmother makes this dough as thin as air, but I'm not that seasoned and can only make my dough a bit thicker. This dough it notoriously difficult to work by the way!

Happy cooking!
They sound very delicious. I suppose I could work this out but can you tell me approximately how big each one is?

Hi there, that's a really good question...I have to admit I'm not too exact with the size, I usually fit one small tablespoon of filling in each pastry and don't fold the pastry tight around the filling, there's usually some air in there. If I had to take a guess I'd say they are around 15 cms in length.

I found this photo online, hopefully it can give a better idea of their size, by comparison.
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