Peanut butter glasses

3 Jul 2014
Local time
10:22 AM
Anyone remembers when peanut butter was sold in glasses? I can remember buying peanut butter in glasses years ago. Most of these glasses were decorated with hearts on them, - red and black. When we were finished using the peanut butter, the glass would be washed out and that would add to our collection of drinking glasses. I think they were very nice glasses, but they broke after a while.

Nowadays in my country, we get peanut butter in small, medium, and large plastic container jars. I do not see them sold in glasses anymore.

Do you still get peanut butter sold in glasses where you live, or is that a thing of the past for you also?

I remember when the peanut butter came in glass bottles but I honestly don't remember the glasses being as pretty as the ones in your attachment. Recently I bought some apple sauce in a glass bottle and I held on to the bottle, cleaned it up and made it into a glass. I have not seen it recently and hope it has not been thrown out.
Oh yes! I remember those days, Nutella and peanut butter were sold in glass jars here, and we would do the same - rinse them and use them as glasses. As kids, it was particularly fun to collect them when they were limited edition ones with cartoon characters and things like that on them!
Oh wow yes I remember that. I remember that mustard use to also sold in glasses, too. My mom had a entire collection of them. My sister got them when she passed away and turned around and sold them at a yard sale. I haven't really noticed if there is anything still sold in glasses around here anymore. I will have to check that out that next time that I am at the grocery store.
I still have some of those glasses, I wish they still made them.
I can remember collecting a set of these glasses in the past. I also wish they still had these glasses, to help replace the broken glasses we always seem to have. We eat a lot of peanut butter so we would have lots of glasses.
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