Picking Potatoes


26 Nov 2013
Local time
6:15 AM
Has anyone ever planted potatoes before? I am thinking of sprouting and planting a potato, but have no idea how long before I can pick it. I'm always afraid I will pick it way too soon.
as above, but it also depends of what type of potato it is. there are all sorts from salad potatoes, new potatoes, first earlies, second earlies, late, late main and so on... each should be in the ground for a minimum length of time and are picked at a point often just after flowering (but before seed potatoes form) so that they are a certain size. Obviously tatties for jackets are in the ground much longer than tatties for say boiling, jackets being the much larger of the 2... but you can obviously wait until the tops die back as an indicator.

This site http://www.thompson-morgan.com/potato-selector-guide is exceptionally useful with their information and worth looking at.
If you have potatoes with green on them store them in the dark for awhile. Green tomatoes are also mildly toxic. Tomatoes and potatoes are closely related and contan the same or similar toxins. do not eat the leaves of these plants. They are in the nightshade family.
When the green top dies - it's time to harvest :wink:
I have been gardening for years. AlexH is correct, when the top of the plant dies, your potatoes should be ready to harvest. If you are not going to eat them right away, keep them in a dark, cool place. Potatoes will last a long time out of the ground as long as they are kept in a cool, dark place. I have a special spot for them out in my barn.
Best of luck with your harvest! :)
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