

21 Feb 2014
Local time
12:59 PM
Here recently my doctor advised me to drink more water, in hopes of alleviating headaches, so I've taken to putting sliced cucumber, lemons and a few mint leaves into the water for flavor. And since I also happen to be preggo and happily munch everything in sight, I mentioned to my girls that we're going to try and make our own, homemade pickles. They like them, right now I love them, and it actually seems like something fun. I figured they'd really enjoy being able to enjoy something they made with their own hands.

Only thing is, every pickle recipe I find online has so many different variations I'm not sure which one to use. I don't know what basic ingredients need to be added aside from vinegar and cucumbers....I think. I was wondering if anyone had any varying degrees of success when/if they chose to pickle any veggies.
I have never done it myself, some family members still do it but I find that the ones I get from the store have a much better taste.
I would just recommend that you try it out in small batches. See what most recipes have in common, add a bit of your own ideas and see what happens. The first batch might not turn out that well but then you can probably see what you are missing / what you put too much and develop from there.
I pickle beans and have done cucumbers. Vinegar, Salt and Veggies are the basics. Everything else you may add like garlic or dill is for infusing flavours. In spite of salt being a no no for some diets, it is essential in pickling in order to keep the veggies crisp. The beans I do are great - I add a cayenne pepper or two to each jar and it gives them a nice kick.
They do sell pickling cukes that are smaller than the salad cukes. I also pickle green beans with garlic and dill - definitely a taste treat for pregnant women. Check the internet, you should be able to find tons of sites about canning, pickling, etc.
We always do pickle cucumber at home because we always want it as one of our side dishes when we are eating at home. And recently we had discovered to pickle garlic and ginger too and it also taste good and appetizing eating together with our main dish in every meal.
My mom makes the best bread and butter pickles. I'm not exactly sure how she does it, as I'm not around when she does her canning, but I do snatch up several jars when I get to go visit her. Bread and butter pickles are on the sweet side and are just oh so good.
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