Recipe Piri piri chicken


Über Member
2 Sep 2022
Local time
2:41 AM
Zambezi Valley, Zambia
It's a very popular dish in my part of the world.
I would assume it made its way here via Portugal and Mozambique.

The chilli's that are normally used are small hot ones. Dried or fresh, but anything goes as long as it is fairly "neutral" if you can say that about chili's :)
No Surinam yellow (although that would make a delicious version), no jalapeno.

Amounts are flexible, adjust to taste.
It's supposed to have a bit of a bite though.

- Chicken, pieces or spatchcocked

You need enough marinade to cover the chicken. An easy way is to put marinade and chicken pieces into a plastic bag and rub it in every now and again.

- Garlic: 4 cloves
- Lemon juice: 1-2 tablespoons
- Paprika poeder: 1 tablespoon
- Chili's (fresh or dried): to taste
- Olive oil: 1-2 tablespoon
- salt: to taste

Finely chop garlic, or rub to a paste in a pestle & mortar (using some salt to help).
If using fresh chili's grind them as well

Mix olive oil, paprika, garlic, lemon juice and chili's together and add chicken to marinade
Marinate for a couple of hours.

Grill over charcoal fire



(I had no lemon juice, so I used wine vinegar + some sumac.
I used fresh garlic and chili peppers)
Chips look good too!
They had no garlic so I didn't describe them, but....
I use 2 or 3 methods to make chips, all of them more or less resulting in the same.
1 = start with cold oil. put the chips in there and heat slowly, keep frying till done (I think I got that from Heston Blumenthal, I was very sceptical, but it works)
2 - heat oil to something like 160 oC, cook for a couple of minutes, until the inside of the potato is sofe. Remove chips (and cool for a bit). Heat oil to 170-180 oC add chips and finish them, takes about 2-3 minutes.

This batch was a combination of the 2 methods
They had no garlic so I didn't describe them, but....
I use 2 or 3 methods to make chips, all of them more or less resulting in the same.
1 = start with cold oil. put the chips in there and heat slowly, keep frying till done (I think I got that from Heston Blumenthal, I was very sceptical, but it works)
2 - heat oil to something like 160 oC, cook for a couple of minutes, until the inside of the potato is sofe. Remove chips (and cool for a bit). Heat oil to 170-180 oC add chips and finish them, takes about 2-3 minutes.

This batch was a combination of the 2 methods
I use the heat slowly method and like the results.

I've never done the twice (or triple) cook method.

I have got very satisfying results from cooking chips like roast potatoes in the oven in a lot of hot fat. Quite like that method, good for lazy days.
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