Planned server move - Thursday 6th June 10am UK timehours


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:36 AM
SE Australia
Update: the time for Thursday's server move is now 10am UK time (GMT+1). The site should only be down for a couple of hours maximum.

I don't have a date for the server move (Server Move) yet, but it will likely happen next week.

I've chosen a new hosting company and from communications with them, I'm happy with what I'm reading. They'll handle almost all of it and there's only 1 bit I need to do (which is unfortunately critical to actually pointing to the new server not the old, so it will likely be a late night for me. So I'll probably aim for Thursday which gives Friday to sorry out any other issues. (With any luck we'll lose the problem with the word 'select' in the process as well!)

Can you let me know below if you'd like an email update when the server is down for migration and another back up again. If you've got temporary internet files cached you'll need to clear these before you'll get to the new site via the existing domain name (, so please check that you know how to clear the cache beforehand whilst we're all able to access the site to answer queries.

Please don't post any email addresses, I'll use the one your account is registered to unless you PM me a different email address.


Morning Glory
The Late Night Gourmet
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Will there be a divert left on here so we’ll know or does it just disappear?

I'm not that knowledgeable about tech-y stuff - what does this all mean?
I get that cookingbites is going to a different host server, but what is it that effect me?

The site will most likely either be missing completely, so you'll get a can not find it, or you'll find it in read only mode and won't be able to edit or post anything. From the feedback I'm getting from the company, this is the most likely scenario. Once the move is complete, that's where the fun starts.

The biggest issue will be that after the move, every device you use, remembers where the site was (its old (ip) address) so convincing your device to see the new (ip) address may be a problem. If you have my email address and I have yours, I can assist in getting you back online onto the new (ip) address. That's where temporary internet files and caches come into play. Plus some ISPs cache the home page to speed up access to the site which adds to the problems. All of these issues usually work favourably to assist in browsing the internet but they screw things up when a site has to move to a new host. The reason for this is that humans work in words: computers work in numbers. The (ip) address for is going to change. So until we convince your device to look up the new (ip) address, you will not get access to CB either at the old address or the new address.

It is also possible that not all of the configuration will be identical after the move and I may need to tweak a few settings, but we can deal with that afterwards.
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