Recipe Plantation Iced Tea


Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
2:10 AM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I came up with my own version of this great hot weather drink after moving away from Hawaii.
There was a restaurant in Honolulu, John Dominis, that served this drink at Sunday Brunch.

Plantation Iced Tea


2 qt. Black Tea, brewed strong & cooled (I do Sun Tea)
2 C. Pineapple Juice
Sweetener of your choice, optional
Fresh Mint, optional
Pineapple chunks or spears, optional


Combine the first two ingredients in a pitcher
If you are, sweeten to your desired likeness, I use a simple syrup that I make from Stevia, but you do you
Serve over ice and garnish with that optional Mint and Pineapple (I think the Mint and Pineapple make it for me)

Plantation Iced Tea.jpg

Break out those Cocktail Umbrellas you still have in the back of your cupboard too :okay:
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It looks good, but where’s the alcohol? Am I missing something?
I thought non-alcoholic drinks were included, no? Did I read it wrong? I haven't entered these recipes as yet, so ...
You are correct. I had included grape, apple and pear juice because they are alternatives to wine, cider and perry. So things like verjuice are included. Does pineapple juice have a direct equivalent? It and I don't get on, plus my knowledge of alcohol isn't great! i did want to include non-alcoholic options, as opposed to 0% wine etc
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