Preparing for Spring


1 Feb 2015
Local time
12:02 PM
Well, today is cold (about 20 degrees) and snowing. Yesterday we got a lot of ice and sleet. It's just really nasty. But, I know Spring will be here soon and I'm chomping at the bit to get outside and start my garden.

So I decided to pull out my seed catalogs and dream ... I mean plan. It's funny, we think of things like tomatoes and green beans as "single" items, but you look at the catalog and there must be 50 different tomatoes. They all look great and I'd love to try them all. But, my space is limited so I have to choose just a couple of varieties.

So what are your favorite varieties for - tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, sweet peppers, zucchini?
Ugh! That is beyond cold! I can't imagine living there! It has taken me a long time to appreciate the advantages of living where i do, but year-round gardening is a huge benefit. I just got another small rack-style greenhouse yesterday for starting seeds since I don't really have a suitable space for seedlings indoors. I have pea shoots going now, and am about to start tomatoes and arugula.
I will not start any seeds for a few weeks, it is about 12 degrees right now, it snowed all day yesterday so we are just digging out. I do not have space indoors to start seeds and the garage is just as cold as out doors. I will have tomatoes and green beans this year and maybe a few other vegetables.
we have put a few seeds into a green house such as chills,toms,peppers and cucumbers
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