Recipe Rack of Pork Ribs


Legendary Member
1 Feb 2018
Local time
11:41 PM
Ypsilanti, MI.
I haven't posted a recipe in awhile. The ribs were good enough that I absolutely must share.

I know, baby back ribs are better. These were on sale, and it is what Colleen brought home.

I followed the 3-2-1 method for grilling ribs. I had to tweak it slightly because of my grill temp

1. I started off by removing the membrane on the back of the ribs. I peel the end off the membrane, grab it with a paper towel, and then most of it comes right off. I do not worry about getting this perfect.

2. I put a small amount of yellow mustard on both sides of the rack.

3. I applied a generous amount of dry rub to both sides. I used the Kansas City inspired dry rub, Krogers brand

4. I heated up the charcoal. My goal was to get the temp to 225f . The lowest I could get it was 275f. I utilized the two zone method in the grill

5. I cooked the rack on the cool side of the grill for two hours.

6. I removed the rack of ribs. I sealed them in aluminum foil. Before sealing the ribs. I added a generous amount of butter and apple cider vinegar

7. I placed the ribs back on the cool side of the grill. I cooked them for 90 minutes. I rotated them once halfway through. The ribs were meat side down in the foil

8. I removed the ribs from the grill. I left them in the foil. I let them rest for 30 minutes. During this time I added about 10 more coal to the grill.

9. I removed the foil. Applied a light coating of BBQ sauce. I placed the ribs on the cool side of the grill for another 30 minutes.

10. EAT!!!!

My wife does not like ribs. She occasionally tastes them every few years, but with the same result. She said last nights cook has changed her opion!

I'll add pictures in a moment.


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