Rashes from tap water.


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
12:30 AM
Some people are actually allergic to water and develop skin rashes. Others, may get rashes from pathogens or toxic substances in water. Water is supposed to be treated for pathogens, but the chemical and mineral content can only be monitored to provide data whether it exceeds certain established minimum percentages of various elements or toxic substances.

I recently developed a nasty rash on both my hands and my chest and neck area, plus nasty irritation of the eyes. I finally got to see the dermatologist yesterday and was basically told that I need to avoid getting my hands and skin wet too often. The claim being that as a person ages, their skin becomes more sensitive. Blah! The question is "Sensitive to what?" I am being prescribed antibiotics because the skin cracks and may get infected, but to the point, a strong steroid skin salve to help reduce the inflammation and eliminate the rash. They have also told me to wear protective gloves when washing dishes and when urinating so that washing hands afterwards amounts to washing the gloves, not the hands. Bathing/Showering? Yikes!

I have been living in my current location for just over a year now and have noted that the tap water is very hard and heavy with mineral content.

I have been a bit shocked, I suppose. I will comply with the dermatologists prescriptions and advice as best I can. However I have been suspicious of the water, even before seeing the dermatologist and had elected to get a water dispenser and use distilled water for drinking water. I have already started drinking distilled water just yesterday and will be monitoring my response. I will also be rinsing my irritated eyes with distilled water and already, that seems to have helped quite a bit.

Silicon Valley has had problems with ground water further north, in the area of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara, due to solvents from chip manufacturers being dumped down the drain, carelessly. There has also been mercury mining in the region south of San Jose, but a check of my town's water monitoring reports show very low levels of mercury. Honest to god, I have never given the tap water much ado and have been drinking it, trusting it to be safe. No more.

I get my distilled water for about $0.75 cents per gallon.

Sorry your having so many problems with your skin, but I have to say your dermatologist in their lack of figuring out what is actually wrong with you to say stay away from water and tell you to wear gloves when you pee leaves a lot to be desired.
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Have you ever had a test for CRP which is C-Reactive Protein? Basically it's a blood marker for inflammation in the body and a good indicator is around 1mg/L and the higher it is the more interleukin 6 that is produced by the immune system which increases cytokines, which if your remember early on in the pandemic they talked about Cytokine Storms, anyway, it's a problem for all types of ailments including Psoriasis and some types of arthritis. They should have but just thought I'd ask.
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Have you ever had a test for CRP which is C-Reactive Protein? Basically it's a blood marker for inflammation in the body and a good indicator is around 1mg/L and the higher it is the more interleukin 6 that is produced by the immune system which increases cytokines, which if your remember early on in the pandemic they talked about Cytokine Storms, anyway, it's a problem for all types of ailments including Psoriasis and some types of arthritis. They should have but just thought I'd ask.

They are well aware that I reported COVID-19 infection back in late February 2020. At that time, I did experience a severe cytokine storm reaction. At that time, reporting it was useless, because of the CDC's senseless criteria that you were required to have travelled abroad or had contact with somebody who had COVID. The idiots could not fathom that COVID was already widespread and active in the US much earlier. The dermatologist did affirm when I asked, that they are seeing a lot of patients with similar symptoms as those they are seeing for my case and the working solutions are based on results from other cases.

I am not discounting that my current reaction is immune response related and when asked, they tended to agree with a head nod, but were not definitive about outright saying so. So, what I appear to be suffering is what is called chronic inflammation caused by immune response being constant, instead of only being turned on for one time wounds and infections, as they occur. This constant immune activity is what makes the inflammation and rashes more prevalent. You can find info about it on the web. Yes, it does appear to be another long haul COVID symptom and related to COVID triggering a cytokine storm which has left my immune system out of whack.

I am seeing that there does seem to be a sensitivity issue and the hard water is culprit. Already, after beginning to use distilled water, the rashes are ameliorating. Especially and to my relief, the burning and gritting up of my eyes is much relieved by drinking distilled water and rinsing my eyes with distilled water. To rinse my eyes, I partially fill a bottle with distilled water and tip the bottle up against each eye to rinse and then wipe with a distilled water wetted cloth. Before, I was using tap water in this procedure and it only worked to clear my eyes for a few minutes. Now, with distilled water, my eyes are beginning to be cleared up constantly. The condition is what is called blepharitis and I was just prescribed erythromycin ointment to help clear my eyes up, but have not used it yet, as my eyes are clearing up with the use of distilled water. I will use the erythromycin, if and as necessary.

There is much to learn about COVID and how it messes with long term health - and the medical research folks are aware of this. Surprisingly, many of the symptoms have already been known in patients with immune disorders (not related to COVID) triggered by stress and other factors. Cytokine storms are not new and have been triggered in people long before the COVID crisis. I have been doing my research from the time I first got infected with COVID and learned about cytokine storms back in March, 2020, but did not know then that they could cause long term immune issues. Long haul COVID issues are going to effect a lot of people and for a long time, if only for a few weeks, or for their life times. It's something a person needs to be aware of, learn from, and do the best to understand how to live in comfort with the ongoing problems and symptoms.
Some people are actually allergic to water and develop skin rashes. Others, may get rashes from pathogens or toxic substances in water. Water is supposed to be treated for pathogens, but the chemical and mineral content can only be monitored to provide data whether it exceeds certain established minimum percentages of various elements or toxic substances.

I recently developed a nasty rash on both my hands and my chest and neck area, plus nasty irritation of the eyes. I finally got to see the dermatologist yesterday and was basically told that I need to avoid getting my hands and skin wet too often. The claim being that as a person ages, their skin becomes more sensitive. Blah! The question is "Sensitive to what?" I am being prescribed antibiotics because the skin cracks and may get infected, but to the point, a strong steroid skin salve to help reduce the inflammation and eliminate the rash. They have also told me to wear protective gloves when washing dishes and when urinating so that washing hands afterwards amounts to washing the gloves, not the hands. Bathing/Showering? Yikes!

I have been living in my current location for just over a year now and have noted that the tap water is very hard and heavy with mineral content.

I have been a bit shocked, I suppose. I will comply with the dermatologists prescriptions and advice as best I can. However I have been suspicious of the water, even before seeing the dermatologist and had elected to get a water dispenser and use distilled water for drinking water. I have already started drinking distilled water just yesterday and will be monitoring my response. I will also be rinsing my irritated eyes with distilled water and already, that seems to have helped quite a bit.

Silicon Valley has had problems with ground water further north, in the area of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara, due to solvents from chip manufacturers being dumped down the drain, carelessly. There has also been mercury mining in the region south of San Jose, but a check of my town's water monitoring reports show very low levels of mercury. Honest to god, I have never given the tap water much ado and have been drinking it, trusting it to be safe. No more.

I get my distilled water for about $0.75 cents per gallon.

I have to say that the comment about people's skin being more sensitive as they get older and the advice to not get your skin wet as much is very subjective. My in-laws both take two showers a day and they have no skin issues (and they are in their late 70s). And, they do dishes, etc. with no gloves on. BUT they have a well, not city water. So there indeed might be something in the water. That sucks, I wish you the best.
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They are well aware that I reported COVID-19 infection back in late February 2020. At that time, I did experience a severe cytokine storm reaction. At that time, reporting it was useless, because of the CDC's senseless criteria that you were required to have travelled abroad or had contact with somebody who had COVID. The idiots could not fathom that COVID was already widespread and active in the US much earlier. The dermatologist did affirm when I asked, that they are seeing a lot of patients with similar symptoms as those they are seeing for my case and the working solutions are based on results from other cases.

I am not discounting that my current reaction is immune response related and when asked, they tended to agree with a head nod, but were not definitive about outright saying so. So, what I appear to be suffering is what is called chronic inflammation caused by immune response being constant, instead of only being turned on for one time wounds and infections, as they occur. This constant immune activity is what makes the inflammation and rashes more prevalent. You can find info about it on the web. Yes, it does appear to be another long haul COVID symptom and related to COVID triggering a cytokine storm which has left my immune system out of whack.

I am seeing that there does seem to be a sensitivity issue and the hard water is culprit. Already, after beginning to use distilled water, the rashes are ameliorating. Especially and to my relief, the burning and gritting up of my eyes is much relieved by drinking distilled water and rinsing my eyes with distilled water. To rinse my eyes, I partially fill a bottle with distilled water and tip the bottle up against each eye to rinse and then wipe with a distilled water wetted cloth. Before, I was using tap water in this procedure and it only worked to clear my eyes for a few minutes. Now, with distilled water, my eyes are beginning to be cleared up constantly. The condition is what is called blepharitis and I was just prescribed erythromycin ointment to help clear my eyes up, but have not used it yet, as my eyes are clearing up with the use of distilled water. I will use the erythromycin, if and as necessary.

There is much to learn about COVID and how it messes with long term health - and the medical research folks are aware of this. Surprisingly, many of the symptoms have already been known in patients with immune disorders (not related to COVID) triggered by stress and other factors. Cytokine storms are not new and have been triggered in people long before the COVID crisis. I have been doing my research from the time I first got infected with COVID and learned about cytokine storms back in March, 2020, but did not know then that they could cause long term immune issues. Long haul COVID issues are going to effect a lot of people and for a long time, if only for a few weeks, or for their life times. It's something a person needs to be aware of, learn from, and do the best to understand how to live in comfort with the ongoing problems and symptoms.
That's why I asked about the CRP test because when it's high it causes chronic inflammation, and yeah cytokines have been around as long as humans have been around but I suspect many have never heard about it and just mentioned covid for that reason and not suggesting anything actually related to covid. Anyway there are interventions that reduce inflammation in the body and I would suggest talking with a registered dietitian or a Dr. that specializes in metabolic dysfunction. Anything to reduce chronic inflammation should be priority one, imo.
rinse my eyes, I partially fill a bottle with distilled water
Has anyone in the medical profession told you this is safe to do? I ask because distilled water isn't usually considered best for the eyes. Tap water or distilled water is ok in an emergency to dilute contamination, but there is a reason that dedicated emergency eye washes are 0.9% saline and not distilled water. It is the same with contact lens solution and so on, all 0.9% saline. You would be better off checking with a pharmacist and getting the 0.9% saline eye washes. I know it isn't as cheap as distilled water but not only is it guaranteed sterile until opened, until is the same salinity as the human body and therefore better suited to use in the eyes. (I suffer from constant dry eyes to the point where it affects my vision).

As for getting older and more sensitive to contaminates in tap water, I've seen that with my mother. They have had to go over to bottled water (and subsequently get a water purifier installed) for my mother except whilst she was with us in Australia. My water is rain water which here, where we are, is exceptionally pure. She was fine on that after the first month but her issues returned immediately (within 2 days if that) when they finally returned to the UK. They live in a notoriously hard water area.
Lichen planis? My mother was diagnosed with that and installed a water purification unit under her kitchen sink..It seemed to work
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