Recipe Red Pepper Jelly


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
2:56 AM
Caracas, Venezuela
This is a recipe I developed for my company way back in 2005. It sold like hot cakes, so then I made hot chile jelly, balsamic vinegar jelly, sweet chile jelly, rocoto jelly - with the same results.
It´s important to use the largest pan you´ve got for this, since once the contents start boiling, the liquid rises up the sides of the pan and you DO NOT want to have to clean up this sticky mess!
500 gms Red Bell Peppers
300 mls white wine vinegar
1 kg sugar
1 1/4 Tbsps quick set pectin
1 1/4 tsps salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
squeeze of lemon
  1. Clean and de-seed the peppers, cut into small pieces and put into a food processor or blender along with the vinegar. (You may have to do this in batches). Blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the contents of the blender into a large pan, along with all the sugar, the salt, the cayenne and the lemon juice. Do NOT put the pectin in yet.
  3. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, stirring frequently. Once the contents boil, they will foam, and this foam will creep up the edges of the pan. Keep stirring.
  4. Cook on medium-high for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. You will gradually see the "foam" disappear and a clear red liquid at the bottom. Your jelly is almost ready.
  5. Remove from the heat and leave to cool for 5 minutes.
  6. Now bring the contents back to a fast boil and add the pectin. Stir constantly for 2 minutes, until all the pectin has dissolved, and pour into clean, sterilised jars immediately. Take care not to spill any of the jelly on your hands because it will burn like you never imagined!
  7. Tighten the lids and leave the jelly to cool. It will remain liquid until the following day, when you should have a perfect jelly.
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