Recipe Rice, Chicken & Cheese Casserole with Green Peas.


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:40 PM
Brighton, MA.
I'm making a rice chicken & cheese casserole MY WAY. Only, instead of broccoli, I'm using green peas. The store ran out of broccoli & I was wondering what to use in place of it, so I thought about using green peas in it. This is not a copy of anyone else's recipe. I thought of this myself so that my post won't be deleted, getting me in trouble. :whistling:

2 chicken breast halves, boiled.
1/4 cup each;
Onion, celery & bell pepper, chopped.
2 cups water.
1 teasp. chicken-flavored boulion.
1/2 teasp salt, pepper & garlic powder.
2 teasp flour.
1 cup basmati rice or any rice.
1 bag shredded cheddar cheese.
1 cup frozen peas.


Put chicken breast halves into a pot. Boil or sautee with chopped veggies until tender. If boing halves, add chicken Boulion. Add seasonings. Let cook until done. Remove meat, let cool, the slice in medium strips.

Place chicken in deep casserole pan or dish. Add rice, peas & cheddar cheese. Meanwhile, mix a little water with flour in small bowl & stir until lumps are gone. Add flour mixture to simmering broth & stir intil slightly thickened. When thick enough, pour sauce over rice mixture in pan or dish. Stir until all is incorporated. Place in preheated 350-degree oven. Bake for about 45 minutes until liquid is absorbed & rice is tender. Enjoy!

If desired, you can use broccoli in place of the green peas.
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