Recipe Roasted Kohlrabi & Brussels Sprouts with Valais Cheese

Mountain Cat

12 Apr 2019
Local time
3:33 AM
Hilltowns of Massachusetts


Recipe concept sourced from: I made some minor changes, but enough to say it is no longer that cook’s recipe. I had neither Parmesans nor parsley, so you are instead reading my recipe that uses Valais cheese and cilantro. Oh, plus, due to a food challenge, I added in an equal amount of Brussels sprouts to the kohlrabi.

These kohlrabies were small purple ones grown locally. I’d never seen such tiny and delicate ones!! Because they were small, I didn’t peel them. This dish is best considered a side.


Prep Time: 5-10 minutes.
Cook Time: 30-40 minutes.
Rest Time: Not needed.
Serves: 2
Leftovers: Yes.

Roasted Kohlrabi & Brussels Sprouts with Valais Cheese


  • Kohlrabi, about 1/3 pound / 150 g. For small ones as in here, quarter them. For larger ones, peel, and cut into 1-inch / 2.5 cm segments or less.
  • Brussels sprouts, about 1/3 pound / 150 g. Slice off stems and halve these.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • Ground chipotle pepper, to taste – perhaps a quarter teaspoon or so.
  • High temperature cooking oil, about 2 – 2.5 tablespoons.
  • Around 4 tablespoons of fine-grated cheese: Valais, Pecorino Romano, Parmesan, or similar. (Grate this yourself for best quality.)
  • Cilantro or parsley for garnish.

Pre-heat oven to 450 F / 230 C.

Add the chopped kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts to a cooking pan.

Add the cooking oil, salt and ground chipotle. Toss to coat.

Place in oven for 30 minutes, removing about every ten minutes to re-toss. This roasting dish is not covered.

Test for tenderness. If not tender enough, toss again and return to oven for a final ten minutes.

Remove, plate, sprinkle the cheese over the top, toss lightly, then sprinkle with cilantro or parsley. Serve.
I love the simplicity of it, and the combination of kohlrabi and brussels. A very healthy side indeed, the picture is lovely. It seems it has enough oil from the cooking, and the quantity you advise. I do like my baked vegetables a bit on the oily side, I don't really know why, the same with salads. When you ate this, were you happy with how oily it was? Of course it may be just a personal preference...and nothing easier than adding one more spoon of oil...or, even, depending on what you eat it with, it might have everything...
I would probably sprinkle crushed almonds or pumpkin seeds as I don't consume dairy, but this is just some selfish talk, the recipe is gorgeous as is!
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