'Scraps' to Table


20 Nov 2013
Local time
11:59 AM
Did you know that if you put the root part of romaine or celery that you usually end up tossing out on a plate and put a little water on the plate, they start growing their parts back up? I do this on my window sill with both of these, and I can actually get enough romaine growing in a little bit to make a salad.

Just slice a little bit off the bottom if it's uneven and won't stand straight up. It's a cool project for kids, too. Because they do start developing little roots, you can plant them in soil after a while.

Do you have any experience growing any scraps back to life?
I have seen this although I have never actually done it myself. I'm curious as to whether or not there is a difference in taste from the more traditional way of growing plants.
Yes. I have tried growing celery before. Unfortunately, it died because my dog ate it. :(
That's really helpful information. For my part, I have not tried growing scraps perhaps due to preconceived notions that once you're done eating something, scraps are bound to the trash can. What if olive oil was already poured on a scrap? Will it still grow back? I'm just wondering.
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