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So my resident groundhog showed up at the backdoor the other day with a mouthful of leaves and a stick. She scratched on the door and sat there, waiting for her peanut butter sandwich and/or banana. I guess that's her weird gift to me? In the past, years ago when I lived in Florida, I fed some feral cats that brought me headless squirrels and left them on the step, but this one is new to me.

Oh, incidentally--this groundhog has chased off most of the chipmunks, some of the squirrels, and I saw her chasing a cat out of the yard the other day. She also chased off her own ground-hoglets after they were weaned (not really sure what to call baby groundhogs but she bit them on the head and on their asses on the way out and they haven't been back). She's a bit of a badass.
Not many people would since they'd bite you, then follow you around until you died, then eat you.

You wouldn't want a Nile monitor running around your house either, or a rhinoceros iguana.

Craig had to go to Gitmo for work a few times before it became a detention facility. The rhinoceros iguanas would hang out under the picnic tables at the outdoor eating area and wait for people to throw them table scraps. You could hear the crunch of the bones.
I got plenty of nile monitors around
And Jack Russels being Jack Russels: they chase them :)
Oh, incidentally--this groundhog has chased off most of the chipmunks, some of the squirrels, and I saw her chasing a cat out of the yard the other day. She also chased off her own ground-hoglets after they were weaned (not really sure what to call baby groundhogs but she bit them on the head and on their asses on the way out and they haven't been back). She's a bit of a badass.
Baby groundhogs are usually called chucklings. Isn’t that cute?

As to their demeanor, I know of one zoologist who describes their temperament as “kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.” :laugh:
I got plenty of nile monitors around
And Jack Russels being Jack Russels: they chase them :)
They must be well fed by other things then, or very small. Over on the west coast of Florida in a few areas there is a colony that has taken root through people dumping pet monitors. The small wild animal population has all but disappeared, and you don't want your cat or small dog to get loose in the area. You don't even want a small child wandering around unattended, fingers and toes you know.

They are no longer allowed to be kept as pets in Florida since the climate is conducive to them thriving .

Before we downsized, the teen boy next door had a nile monitor as a pet. It started biting when it got older. His mother told him he had to get rid of it. I remember him asking Craig what to do with it, but don't remember the answer, though i know he wouldn't have told him to just let it go. Craig doesn't remember the kid even having the lizard, had to be reminded about the kid even though he knew him since he was very young.
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We have another big curly tail lizard hanging around again. It's either really brave or is one of the babies of the big girl we used to feed meal worms. It will sit on the back of the lawn chair and watch us. Craig even sat down in the chair a couple of days ago and the curly tail stayed on the back.

Show us your pet

Post 309 has a picture.

Posts 302 and 304 are about the green iguana that was another yard pet.
I've seen monitor lizards of 1.5 metre and more, but mostly I see the smaller ones.
Up to 50 cm or so.
Honestly, I haven't heard of any issues or attacks by them.
As said: thats a total different story with crocs.
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