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DD still lived with us when she got her first pug. She was only 8 weeks old and was tiny. I worked remotely so babysat while DD was in class or at work, keeping her gated in the office with me. She was still sleeping a lot, so when she started to get tired, I'd pick her up and put her on the desk with a towel folded up for a bed. She'd waddle around my desk a little, help me work (AKA tromp on my keyboard) for a bit, then she'd wander over to her bed, turn around a few times, then plop and go right to sleep. I'd get to see a drowsy little pug baby when she woke up who'd waddle over to get picked up for pets and to give puppy breath kisses, then she'd want down to play with our half malamute, half golden retriever, who was incredibly patient with her.

More often than not, Craig and I would take her to bed with us and play with her while DD finished studying. We were quintessential grand-paw-rents, get her all worked up and excited, then give her to mom.
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