Squirting the mustard


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
9:52 PM
Ohio, US
Ok, if you use squirty mustard on your sandwiches, what’s your pattern?

Do you lay down a back-and forth line, a spiral, or do you (gasp!) squirt it on in no particular patter or (even worse!) squirt it, then spread it with a knife?

Here’s me:


Let’s see your mustard artistry!
Very rare I use squirty mustard.
I have French's in the fridge for the very odd time we have hot dogs.
Now I really fancy a hot dog 😂
And I have two patterns for that. One is the squiggly back n forth zig zag over the top and the other is straight lines down either side of the dog and tomato sauce gets the honour of the top.
Worse still I often rotate the dog so it's all heavily smeared 😆

I don't think squirty mustard is a go to mustard here.

Damn I'm going to have to get some frankfurters tomoz now 😆
You always ask such interesting questions! I usually draw a little smiley face if I'm in the mood, but if not, I just do a straight line.
The only squirty mustard I use is Senap (Swedish mustard). I'm trying to remember what pattern I draw and the icky thing that comes to mind is an S or Z shape whilst squeezing heavily, so you get a thicker line. Now I need to go to IKEA again to buy some more.
You always ask such interesting questions! I usually draw a little smiley face if I'm in the mood, but if not, I just do a straight line.
Thank you! I've been told some of my topics are...let me remember...oh yes..."pointless," "stupid," and "ridiculous," among other words, so I'm thrilled with "interesting!"
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