Starting a Recipe Scrapbook


19 Mar 2014
Local time
5:40 AM
I have a few recipe books on my shelves and I very rarely use them. I am more of an instinctive cook and go by taste and experience. However, I often see recipes in newspapers and magazines that sound really nice and think I will cook them, and then lose the magazine or forget what the recipe was for. I have decided to start a scrapbook to keep cuttings in. The likelihood is that I will only follow the recipes very closely, adding my own take on them and exchanging ingredients to suit our own tastes. I think it will be a handy reference for ideas though. Does anyone else save cuttings in this way?
That sounds like a great idea. I tend to cut recipes out of magezines, put them somwehere safe, then I can never find the dam things ever again. Making a scrapbook sounds ideal. I to have cookbooks, but I don't like or use a lot of the recipes. Having all the recipes that I like in one place would be ideal.

it would be nice if you post a photo of it.
In the past I've copied out some recipes into a small notebook, but I also cut out recipes from magazines and food labels. I think a scrapbook is a good idea. You could also use it for any online recipes that you print out.
I think that's a great idea! Would you scan the magazine, though? Or just rip the page out?

Either way, I keep a clear book of the scraps (like, a folder with clear sleeves) rather than a scrap book. But scrapbooking sounds so fun and it's an opportunity to also be artistic and craftsy about it!
That sounds like a great idea. I tend to cut recipes out of magezines, put them somwehere safe, then I can never find the dam things ever again. Making a scrapbook sounds ideal. I to have cookbooks, but I don't like or use a lot of the recipes. Having all the recipes that I like in one place would be ideal.

it would be nice if you post a photo of it.

In the past I've copied out some recipes into a small notebook, but I also cut out recipes from magazines and food labels. I think a scrapbook is a good idea. You could also use it for any online recipes that you print out.

I think that's a great idea! Would you scan the magazine, though? Or just rip the page out?

Either way, I keep a clear book of the scraps (like, a folder with clear sleeves) rather than a scrap book. But scrapbooking sounds so fun and it's an opportunity to also be artistic and craftsy about it!

I will indeed have to post a photograph of it (if I can work out how to use my new phone that is). Like welsh dragon, I don't use the books I have so I might as well just keep the recipes I find that I think we will eat. I will cut the recipes out of magazines rather than scan them, I am not that technologically advanced. I could also print recipes off the Internet. I am quite artistic to I could be quite creative with it. If I am really sad, I could take photos of my own food like I saw someone on the TV do recently.
I think that is a very good idea, and also y could maybe even start a blog or a social media account for your results and you might even gain enough of a following like many others who have set similar goals. It would probably even inspire some other people to do the same. I admittedly don't do this anymore because there are too many online sources, but my relatives have a lot of old free recipe collections from many sources like can labels and magazines, etc.
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