Suggestions for the next Cookalong

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
9:18 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
The Boeuf Bourguignon Cookalong has been very interesting with success and disaster along the way! A big thanks to alexander,The Late Night Gourmet, Francesca, ElizabethB, epicuric and Yorky who all participated! I think this was the most participants so far (7 including myself).

We now need to decide on a new recipe/dish to cook along to.

So far we have chosen dishes from: France (Coq au Vin and Boeuf/Mushroom Bourguignon), Spain (Paella), Italy (Ravioli), Middle East (Falafel), Russia/USA (Chicken Kiev). Below are some of the suggestions that have been made before. (V) indicates vegetarian/vegan options.

The concept of the Cookalong is to try out 'classic’ or regional recipes that we haven't cooked before and/or practice techniques that are new to us. Suggestions need to be specific not generic - not ‘wraps’ or ‘stews’ for example. Here are some previous suggestions plus a few I've added which have been mentioned in various posts here:

Rogan Josh
Crab Cakes
Croissants (V)
Chinese Dumplings (V)
Bagels (V)
Chicken Cordon Bleu (@Slumgullioneer is our resident expert)
Beef or Mushroom Stroganoff (V)
Jambalaya (could be V)
Game Pie (well, it is the game season in the Northern hemisphere)
Stifado (we haven't had a Greek dish yet)
Spanakopita (V) (as above)
Braided bread (V)
Fesenjan (Persian Chicken dish - can be made V)

Please feel free to give your preferences to one of the above or add your own suggestions.
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Chicken Cordon Bleu
Game Pie - never made it but willing to give it a try

I love beets and Borsch comes to mind. Never made it but would love to try.

The Chicken Kiev Cookalong has been very interesting with success and disaster along the way! A big thanks to alexander,The Late Night Gourmet, Francesca, ElizabethB, epicuric and Yorky who all participated! I think this was the most participants so far (7 including myself).

I thought it was Bourguingnon.
I thought it was Bourguingnon.

There is a variant spelling but not that:

Screen Shot 2017-10-20 at 18.02.27.png's something else that I'm going to make regardless: Goulash!

I was watching Gotham last night, and goulash was served. I've never made it before so, as I often do, I thought, "I have to make that!"

A good suggestion but perhaps too similar to Bourguignon?
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