Recipe Sweet pickled lemons


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:57 AM
SE Australia
So, no prizes for guessing what I'm doing with a wheelbarrow full of lemons off my lemon tree.

They're a sweeter lemon, the Meyer lemon, so I thought I'd start with something that called for Meyer lemons.

The recipe has been tried from here.

8 large Meyer lemons (1kg ish)
500ml apple cider vinegar
500ml white vinegar*
500g raw sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 heaped tsp black peppercorns

  1. Prep your lemons washing, drying and then cutting into 2mm slices and removing the seeds. Meyer lemons typically have a good supply of seeds so it is worth the effort and they are ready to extract from 2mm slices.
  2. Place the lemon sliced in a sterilised bowl (just scald with boiling water if you know it is best resistant).
  3. Now heat all of the remaining ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer, turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave to cool for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Carefully pour (or use a sterile ladle) the pickling mixture over the lemons, weighing them down with a saucer or similar (again sterile) and leave to cool.
  5. Finally, find a suitable sealable jar (and something to act as a weight inside it) such as a Kilner jar around the 1.5L mark and sterilise that just before you're ready. Also handy are a pair of tongue pinches or salad leaf holders for lifting the slices of lemons out and a suitable funnel. Both will need sterilising. Carefully move the sliced lemon over to the jar, stacking the slices as you go, and then add the sterilised weight. Finally pour the pickling liquid in. Make sure that none of your lemons are floating.

I only needed about 250ml of the pickling liquid. Seal the jar and leave for a minimum of a week before using, up to 6 weeks. Store in a fridge.

*the original recipe said white wine vinegar but I misread it and wouldn't have had that amount anyway.
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Looks divine!
So the question is - how would you serve/ pair these with food? What do sweet pickled lemons go with?
The original recipe suggests fish, couscous, cheese or salad. I'm guessing they'd work with desserts as well.

I'll find out before too long.
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