The Color Of Your Kitchen and Your Mood For Cooking


3 Dec 2013
Local time
1:14 AM
Southeast Asia
My favorite color is green that is why our house had a touch of color green in every corner of our house. Like in our kitchen the wall paintings had a touch of color green as well some of my kitchen utensils and accessories. I am always inspired and in the mood when I am cooking seeing my surroundings having this color. I love nature and the green sceneries that is why this color for me is so cool and refreshing to my eyes.
There are no green walls anywhere in my house. Most of the rooms are painted in cream including the kitchen, and one bedroom is in blue. Once before, my kitchen had one of the walls painted in orange, which is also one of my favourite colours. I don't know if the colour actually has an effect on the mood when cooking, but I have heard it said that colours do affect one's mood one way or the other. Blue is said to have a calming effect. A light shade in the kitchen may have the effect of keeping the surroundings cooler. Come to think of it, the colour of orange does put me in a good mood as well as pink, but pink is not a colour I would want for a kitchen.
I need to add some colour to my life and maybe the kitchen is one good place to start but I honestly doubt that is going to happen anytime soon. I have one boring off white kitchen or cream. It's a colour way too many people here have used for years. People have only started a lot of colour in the last maybe 5 or 10 years.
All my walls are mostly cream colored, including my kitchen. I stay pretty neutral. I do like green though but only if it is really light colored. I also like light yellow in the kitchen. I think it sets a nice atmosphere for cooking.
Personally I suppose I'd like a virtually monochrome kitchen. That way the colours of the fruit, vegetables provide all the colour and inspiration.
I absolutely love our kitchen...its north facing so we've kept with white units and worktops and most of the are walls white (to keep it bright in there), but to add colour we have purple glass splashbacks above the worktops and a couple of green walls (purple and green are opposite colours on the colour wheel so they are complemenatry). We basically designed the whole kitchen around our purple Kitcheaid :laugh:
In my kitchen right now the walls are an off white color, but I painted a chalkboard wall in my kitchen! It's fun because we write notes to one another (my husband and I) or write to do lists, grocery lists and so forth. I guess it's not my dream kitchen but it works for me right now - I would prefer something more bright and with more natural light, but it's functional at least!
My kitchen walls are in pink color. It's quite spacious, bright, well-ventillated and airy which is more important for me. I feel suffocated working in a small and cramped kitchen.
One wall in my kitchen and the bit where the pipes go up/come down are blue (as you can see in my avatar), the others are a very pale grey and the ceiling is a very pale pink. My kitchen faces north west and it is surprising how the ceiling and the pale grey walls change colour throughout the day depending on how much light there is in there. At the moment (7.40 a.m.) the grey wall opposite the window looks pale blue, although even that changes to a greyish pinky colour where it meets the ceiling. (My kitchen is about 17 feet x 10 feet, bigger than I had before. My Mum's kitchen was about 8ft x 6ft :(. To the other extreme, my daughter's kitchen is over the twice the size of the whole of the ground floor of my house :mad: I could quite easily live in it :laugh:)
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